Compliance | FCI
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The FCI Community includes key compliance providers to the Industry and Members have access to their leading edge and innovative solutions. 

RSM Netherlands GRC Consultancy

The specialists of RSM’s Governance, Risk and Compliance service (formerly Philip Sidney) are internationally recognized consultants with a focus on compliance within both the financial and non-financial industries. 

We pride ourselves on offering excellent services to organizations susceptible to internal and external integrity risks that could harm their business operations. 

We distinguish ourselves by being a niche consultancy firm providing advisory services, covering all aspects of  governance and compliance with laws and regulations, as well as industry standards, aimed at preventing financial economic crime (such as money laundering, terrorist financing, evasion of sanctions and export controls).

Over a decade, we have advised and supported numerous financial institutions and industrial corporations in managing major integrity/reputational risks associated with their business activities. 

Our services range from initial scans on the status of our client’s compliance framework to assisting in systematic integrity risk assessments, comprehensive (re)designs and tests of effectiveness of implemented policies, procedures and other measures. 

We contribute to industry standard setting bodies and fora, and provide trainings, workshops and support to all client groups, as well as to supervisory authorities and auditors.

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